Get Money Smart with Mel.

A savings plan is a great way to reach your financial goals. Check out Mel’s quick & helpful savings tips – because without a savings plan, it’s unlikely any saving will happen!  

  1. Choose a savings goal & write it down – this could be for Christmas presents or a holiday. Then decide the total amount you need to save.
  2. Set a realistic deadline – when do you want to achieve this savings goal?
  3. Map out your goal – how long do you have to achieve it? How much do you need to save each week to reach your goal by the deadline you set?
  4. Break your goal down – creating smaller targets that you know you can reach is important. Tick them off as you reach them. This will help keep you on track – & it’s motivating!
  5. Once you hit your total target start spending on your savings goal! Enjoy yourself as you’ve earned it!

Article written by Accountant Melanie Pitzer.