A great achievement for local not-for-profit foundation.


This week we’d like to commend our Managing Accountant Melissa Ortika on some pretty amazing work she has recently completed…

Mel was given the opportunity to volunteer her time & technical expertise to assist preparing the Ace Foundation application for Deductable Gift Recipient (DGR) Status, in which they successfully received in July this year!

The Ace Foundation assists students of any age in the City of Casey who are experiencing significant challenges in their education pursuits. These challenges may be either cultural, language, socioeconomic, physical or family fracture related. Highview’s Cranbourne Partner Silvio Marinelli is a Board Member of the foundation and has been involved since its infancy.

Achieving DGR Status is no easy feat for any foundation. It requires a lot of work including specific research and the preparation of a detailed application – oh, and lots of patience! However, it pays off in droves – having the ‘all donations are tax deductable’ status is extremely appealing to donors when making their charitable donation decisions. It’s rather simple; foundations with DGR Status raise more money towards aiding their purpose.

“I was really happy to be involved. It was quite a long process, however I thoroughly enjoyed working on the application with Leon & Teresa from the ACE Foundation. I particularly enjoyed the research elements of the application. Learning more in depth about our local Casey community was very interesting.”

Reaching DGR status was the reward that made all the hard work worth it “I was so pleased to hear. It was fantastic and well deserved news for the foundation”, Mel said.

Well done Mel – success like this for a foundation is a team effort, and you were an integral part of that team.

Voluntary work enables foundations to thrive and assist those in the community that need their help. As a business, we ask that others too volunteer expertise where they can. Sometimes it can have just as great an impact as a monetary donation.

To learn more about the ACE Foundation, visit acefoundation.org.au

Article written by Highview Marketing Manager Brodie Crowther.